Custom Actions Overview

Custom actions are a way for you to build integrations directly into as programmable UI components. This page explains how they work.

Example apps

If you'd like to build your own Custom Actions app, our sample apps will help you get started:

Custom actions are a way for you to build integrations directly into as programmable UI components. This enables a whole class of workflows that can be triggered by users within the app, leveraging the same underlying events routing as Webhooks. Currently, custom actions are available for Assets, and are displayed in the contextual / right-click dropdown menu available on any Asset, as shown in the image below.


An Asset is a robust representation of a file in S3, and its context in This includes transcodes, user/team/project context, and metadata. When a user clicks a custom action on an Asset, will send a payload to a URL you provide. The receiving application may then respond with an HTTP status code to simply acknowledge receipt, or may respond with a custom callback that can render additional UI in

Setup your Custom Action

Check your permissions

Team Manager permissions are required to create Customer Actions for a Team. Ask your admin to modify your permissions if you don't have access.

Custom actions can be configured in the Custom Actions area of An action requires:

Field nameDescription
NameThe name you choose for your custom action. It will be shown in the menu of available custom actions in
DescriptionExplain what the action does, for reference (the description won't appear in the web app).
EventInternal event key to help you differentiate between standard webhook events and your own.
URLWhere to deliver events.
TeamThe team that will use the custom action.

Click - What's in the Payload You Receive From

When the user clicks your custom action, a payload will be sent to the URL you specified in the URL field.

POST /your/url
  "action_id": "2444cccc-7777-4a11-8ddd-05aa45bb956b",
  "interaction_id": "aafa3qq2-c1f6-4111-92b2-4aa64277c33f",
  "project": {
    "id": "a7d6a74b-d45d-4019-9069-24651e0b9f64"
  "resource": {
    "id": "9q2e5555-3a22-44dd-888a-abbb72c3333b",
    "type": "asset"
  "team": {
    "id": "54353cd2-c6ee-4aa1-954a-ce9e19602aa9"
  "type": "my.action",
  "user": {
    "id": "fb57eee0-79f2-4bc7-9b70-99fbc175175c"

You can use this payload to identify:

  • Which of your custom actions were clicked
  • Which resource was clicked
  • Which User took the action
Field nameDescription
action_idThe unique id of this Action. It will always be the same for a given Action.
interaction_idThis is a unique identifier generated by that you can use to keep track of your transaction. This identifier will be the same throughout any single sequence of an Action, including callback forms.
typeThe name of the event you put in the Event field when configuring your Action.
resource.idThe id of the resource from which you triggered your Action (usually an Asset).
resource.typeThe type of resource from which you triggered your Action (usually asset)
About interactions

The interaction_id is provided as a unique identifier to help you keep track of the interaction as it evolves over time. If you do not need to respond to the user, simply return a 200 status code, and you're done. While optional, we recommend including some information about the result of the action, like a simple success message or error alert. Custom actions support message callbacks.

Create a message callback

In your HTTP response to the webhook event, you can return a JSON object describing a message that will be returned to the initiating User in the UI. If you want to try building a message and seeing how it will turn out, you can try our Custom Action Builder, which allows you to set up message callbacks or forms and see how they would appear in the web app.

Here's an example object:

  "title": "Success!",
  "description": "The thing worked! Nice."

That will show an alert to the user that looks like this: actions-3

Messages are a simple way of closing the action lifecycle loop in a way that provides variable context to the acting User, without asking them to switch contexts.

This is enough to satisfy many use cases, but sometimes the initial payload and subsequent calls to the API won't provide enough context for the receiving application. For these scenarios, we also support Form Callbacks.

Create a form callback

Let's say that you need more info before you start your process. For example, you may be uploading content to a system that requires additional details and settings. You can “describe” a Form in your response, which the user will actually see! And fill out! And it'll be sent right back to you!

Here's an example form that will render a Form in the UI that the initial acting User can fill out and submit:

  "title": "Need some more info!",
  "description": "Getting ready to submit this file!",
  "fields": [
      "type": "text",
      "label": "Title",
      "name": "title",
      "value": "MyVideo.mp4"
      "type": "select",
      "label": "Captions",
      "name": "captions",
      "options": [
          "name": "Off",
          "value": "off"
          "name": "On",
          "value": "on"


When the user submits the form, you'll receive an event on the same URL as the initial POST:

POST /your/url​
  "type": "your-specified-event-name",
  "interaction_id": "the-same-id-as-before",
  "action_id": "unique-id-for-this-custom-action",
    "title": "MyVideo.mp4",
    "captions": "off"

All the custom fields you added on your form appear in the data section of the JSON payload sent by

Use the interaction_id to map the initial request and this new form data. And again, if you'd like, you can respond with a message (or even another form!).

By chaining Actions, Forms, and Messages, you can effectively program entire Asset workflows in with business logic from an external system.

Get imaginative! The sky's the limit.

Form details

Like messages, Forms support title and description attributes that render at the top of the Form. Beyond that, each form field accepts the following base attributes:

  • type -- Tells the UI which type of data to expect, and which component and render.
  • label -- Appears on the UI as the header above the field.
  • name -- Key by which the field will be identified on the subsequent payload.
  • value -- Value with which to pre-populate the field.

Supported field types

Text field A simple text field with no additional parameters.

  "type": "text",
  "label": "Title",
  "name": "title",
  "value": "MyVideo.mp4"

Text area A simple text area with no additional parameters.

  "type": "textarea",
  "label": "Description",
  "name": "description",
  "value": "This video is really, really popular."

Select list Defines a picklist that the user can choose from. Must include an options list, each member of which should include a human-readable name, and a machine-parseable value.

  "type": "select",
  "label": "Captions",
  "name": "captions",
  "value": "off",
  "options": [
         "name": "Off",
         "value": "off"
         "name": "On",
         "value": "on"

Custom Actions and the Permissions Model

Webhooks and Custom Actions have a special permissions model: they belong to a Team, not to any specific user who exists on a Team or Account. That means:

  • Any Admin or Team Manager can create a Custom Action on a Team.
  • Any Admin or Team Manager can modify or delete a Custom Action that exists on a Team. Once modified, all users will immediately see the result of the change.


By default, all Custom Actions have a signing key generated during their creation. This is not configurable. This key can be used to verify that the request originates from


Included in the POST request are the following

X-Frameio-Request-TimestampThe time your Custom Action was triggered.
X-Frameio-SignatureThe computed signature.

The timestamp is the time the request was signed on its way out of's network. This can be used to prevent replay attacks. We recommended verifying this time is within 5 minutes of local time.

The signature is a HMAC SHA-256 hash using the signing key provided when the Custom Action is first created.

Verifying the signature

  1. Extract the signature from the HTTP headers
  2. Create a message to sign by combining the version, delivery time, and request body
  3. v0:timestamp:body
  4. Compute the HMAC SHA256 signature using your signing secret.
  5. Note: The provided signature is prefixed with v0=. Currently only has this one version for signing requests. You will need to add this prefix to your computed signature.
  6. Compare!
import hmac
import hashlib

def verify_signature(curr_time, req_time, signature, body, secret):
    Verify webhook/custom action signature
        curr_time (float): Current epoch time
        req_time (float): Request epoch time
        signature (str): Signature provided by the API for the given request
        body (str): Custom Action body from the received POST
        secret (str): The secret for this Custom Action that you saved when you first created it
    if int(curr_time) - int(req_time) < 500:
        message = 'v0:{}:{}'.format(req_time, body)
        calculated_signature = 'v0={}'.format(
            bytes(secret, 'latin-1'),
            msg=bytes(message, 'latin-1'),
        if calculated_signature == signature:
            return True
    return False